A definite advantage of shared offices is that companies from a variety of segments can meet in one place to share experiences and establish contacts. The Christmastime breakfast at one of Offices Unlimited’s branches once again offered them an opportunity to network.
“The previous networking breakfast was an extraordinary success, and so we decided to repeat it to provide new and current tenants the possibility of presenting their activities at a joint breakfast,” said Marie Kantorová, Consultant at Offices Unlimited.
On Wednesday, December 7th, myhive Flexi Offices hosted a meeting of IT experts, who make up the majority of its tenants. Among the most established is Gappex, a company that digitizes and optimizes processes for other companies, such as, for instance, Offices Unlimited, which uses its reservation system. Another company present at the meeting was NEON IT, one of the first tenants of myhive Flexi Offices. It’s currently setting up micro-branches across Europe.
This year, the number of technology companies at myhive Flexi Offices was expanded by the startup Searpent, which offers advanced computer vision systems with a focus on solutions for uncovering insurance frauds. A new tenant is Titanux, the Czech subsidiary of Resysten, the global manufacturer of hygienic protective nano-sprays. Mountpark Properties Czech Republic, a major developer of industrial and logistics buildings, Donati Legal, and others also lease offices in Pankrác.
The tenants who met for breakfast at West Flexi Offices in Stodůlky on December 8th work in various segments. The full-service creative agency HOX.red, HAUSIN architecture & design, which designed the Chateau Papillon luxury resort in Vysoký Újezd near Prague, as well as experts in car sales, rail transportation, and wholesale, also participated in the breakfast.
“The atmosphere was extremely pleasant and relaxed,” says Offices Unlimited consultant Kateřina Burešová, adding that some tenants didn’t limit their presentations to the verbal form. “The sampling of specialties from Asia imported by Hom Mali or the demonstration of neck massage techniques by the Selfness Institute were very well received.”
According to both consultants, the possibility of new business connections is the main benefit of these networking meetings, which Offices Unlimited will continue to offer.