20. 6. 2024

FACES OF OU: Alexandr Sarnavský

For many years, Alexandr Sarnavský worked as a private banker specializing in wealth management for major clients of Raiffeisenbank. He left the banking sector last year to set up his own investment fund, Triatleta, and began to look for an elegant office for his new professional endeavor. He found it in Offices Unlimited Na Příkopech.


During his ten-year career in banking, Alexandr Sarnavský heard clients complain again and again about investment products and related services. This gave him the idea to start his own fund in order to introduce a fresh approach to the equity fund market for qualified investors. Triatleta follows an active but stable investment strategy and guarantees low fees.


The fund currently has over CZK 400,000,000 under management and ambitious growth plans supported by a very good start. “Since Triatleta’s founding, we have a euro and dollar performance of over 23%. We launched a crown fund last April, which so far has achieved an appreciation of about  17%. These number are helping to accelerate the inflow of new capital and have allowed us to get a foothold in an extremely competitive market,” states the founder of Trialeta.


In Sarnavský’s opinion, Czech investors remain less confident stock market players than those west of our borders. “Clients with assets of over CZK 100,000,000 usually have portfolios in which 25-30% are shares, levels seen in other countries in the developed world. However, the portfolios of people with financial assets of between 10 and 10 million Czech crowns have a share component of only about 10%. They are thus depriving themselves of interesting returns,” believes Sarnavský.


Sarnavský’s personal portfolio was the original seed capital that became his fund in 2022. Clients soon followed. “Another reason I created Triatleta was because a number of clients demanded an active management approach and weren’t happy with previous asset managers,” he says. What makes it different and set it apart from the competition? “We select companies with above-average fundamentals in safe, developed markets with a high degree of protection for minority shareholders, i.e. Europe and North American in particular. Our fees are 30-50% lower compared to our competitors and our investments are long-term, which many funds say they have, but rarely do,” he adds.


Sarnavský selected his office just as carefully as he set up his investment portfolio. “Investment and finance are fields where trust is built over the long term. We were therefore looking for space that not only would be elegant, but also would allow us to expand in the future without having to change the address that our clients are used to and know that they can always find us,” Sarnavský happily says.